9 Ekim 2015 Cuma

Published Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh Books in Ottoman Turkish

There is a need for a detailed bibliography on law related writings in Ottoman Turkish in the Ottoman State. Although Turk Hukuk Bibliyografyasi [Turkish Law Bibliography] by Ahmet Mumcu is worth considering, it has some mistakes in the categorization of books. For instance, a prayer treatise is categorized under the judicial procedure by just looking at its name. Moreover, many fiqh books are not covered in his book and there is no explanation about the properties of the included works. Another remarkable book is Osmanli Turklerinin Bastiklari Kitaplar 1729-1875 [The Books Published by Ottoman Turks between 1729 and 1875] by Jale Baysal. However, there are many mistakes in both books' title and categorization.

Many problems that today's Muslims have been facing stem from ignoring fiqh. The fiqh books, considering issues based on al-Quran al-Karim, al-Hadith al-Sharif and Ijma, are like compasses for a Muslim. Without them, Muslims lose their way, as is today.

Here I would like to collect published books in Ottoman Turkish under three categories: Fiqh, usul al-fiqh and  history of fiqh. The collected books were written in the forms of composition (talif), translation (tarjama) and translation-commentary (tarjama-sharh). One of the most striking properties in the books translated into Ottoman Turkish is that the original text was not only translated (tarjama) but annotated (sharh).

The below list is only a start. Over time, this list will expand and some additional notes about the books will be provided.

  1. Quduri Sharif Tarjamasi (Aziziyya), Ebu al-Husayn Ahmad b. Muhammad Amin al-Quduri, Translator: Mahmad Amin Fahim Pasha, Darsaadat: Shirkat-i Shafiya-i Osmaniya Matbaasi, 21 Zilkada 1315.
  2. Sharh al-Mawqufati, Mawqufati Mahmad Efendi, 1302, 2 vols. {Ottoman translation-commentary of Ibrahim Halabi's Multaqa al-Abhur}, vol-1 and vol-2.
  3. Halabi Tarjamasi Babadagi, Ibrahim al-Hanafi al-Halabi, Translator: Ibrahim b. Abdillah al-Babadagi, Darsaadat: Matbaa-i Yusuf Ziya, 1314, 316 pages. {Ottoman Turkish translation of Halebi-i Sagir, a book dealing with issues related to salat (prayer)}
  4. Tarjama al-Tahtawi, Ala al-Din Muhammad b. Ali b. Muhammad al-Dimasqi al-Haskafi, Translation: Abdulhamid al-Naqshibandi al-Halidi al-Ayntabi, 8 vols. {Ottoman Turkish translation of hashiya (glosss/super-commentary) on Durr al-Muhktar by Tahtawi}
  5. Tarjama-i Durar al-Hukkam fi Sharh Gurar al-Ahkam, Molla Husraw Mahmad b. Faramurz b. Ali, 2 vols, Istanbul: Tabhana-i Amira, 1258. ebook
  6. Tarjama-i Sharh al-Siyar al-Kabir, Imam Muhammed Shaybanî, Commentator: Shams al-Eimme Sarahsi, Translation: Mehmed Munib al-Ayintabî, Kostantiniyya: Tabhane-i Mamure, 1241, 2 vols, 357+373 pages.
  7. Tarjama-i Siyar al-Halebî, Ibrahim el-Halebî, Translation: Ahmed Asim, Kahira, 1832
  8. Tasîs al-Nazar wa Ruh al-Fiqh, Dabbusî, Translation: Ibn al-Hazm Farid, Mizan al-Hukuk Matbaasi, 1328, 108 pages. {Ottoman Turkish translation of Hanafi faqih Dabbusî's (d. 430/1039)  Tasîs al-Nazar fi Ihtilâf al-Eimme, a book dealing with ilm al-khilaf (comparative Islamic Law)}
  9. Commentaries on Majalla
    • Durar al-Hukkâm Sharhu Majalla al-Ahkâm, Ali Haydar (Küçük Haydar) Efendi, Istanbul, 1330, 4 vols. {Complete and the most famous commentary on Majalla } ebook
    • Mirqat al-Majalla, Ali Haydar Efendi. {until the end of 11. Book of Majalla }
    • Ruh al-Majalla, Hacı Rashid Pasha (governor of Musul), 1326-1328, 8 vols.  vol 1-4 and vol 5-8
    • Majalla-i Ahkâm-i Adliyya Sharhi, Turkzâde Ziyaeddîn Efendi, 1312. 
    • Majalla-i Ahkâm-i Adliyya Sharhi, Kuyucaklizade Mehmed Atif Bey (Evkâf-ı Hümâyûn İdare Meclisi reisi). {Commentary on the first nide books of Majalla. It is not complete due to the death of the author}
    • Asar al-Said fi Asr al-Hamid. {Commentary on the first book (Kitab al-Buyu) of Majalla}
  10. Fatâwâ
    • Bahjat al-Fatâwâ ma'an Nuqûl, Abu al-Fadl Abdullah b.M. al-Hanefi al-Yenishahri, Abdullah Efendi, Compiler: M. Fikhi al-Ayni. Istanbul: Muhammed Rajai, 1266, 5+643 pages. ebook
    • Fatâwâ-i Ali Efendi ma'an Nuqûl, Shaykh al-Islâm Chataljalı Ali, Compiler: Salih b. Ahmed al-Kafawî, Istanbul, 1856. ebook
    • Natija al-Fatâwâ ma'an Nuqûl, Durrizâde Mehmed Arif,  Addition of Nuqul: Mehmed Hafız
    • Fatâwâ-i Fayziyya ma'an Nuqûl, Shaykh al-Islam Fayzullah  Efendi, Istanbul: Dar al-Tıbaa al-Amire, 1266. 572 pages. ebook
    • Fatâwâ-i Abdurrahim, Mantashizâda Abdurrahim, Correction: Ibrahim Saib, Balda al-Tayyiba al-Kostantiniyya: Dar al-Tıbaati'l-Mamura al-Sultaniya, 1243, 2 vols, 578+584 pages.
    • Fatâvâ-i Ankarawî, Mehmed Emin al-Ankaravî, Correction: Muhammed al-Sabbağ, Bulak:Dâr al-Tıbaa al-Misriyya, 1281, 2 vols, 443+435 pages.
    • Fatâwâ-i Ibn-i Nujaym wa Tarjamasi, Ibn-i Nujaym Zeynel Âbidin b. Ibrahim, Translation: al-Seyyid Hasan Refet, Istanbul: Shayh Yahya Efendi Matbaasi, 1289, 2+363 pages. ebook
    • Fatâwâ-i Jamiu al-Ijaratayn, Mashrabzâde Mehmed Ârif, Istanbul : Dar al-Tıbaa al-Âmire, 1252, 427 pages. ebook
  11. Ilmihal  (Islamic catechism)
    • al-Majmua al-Zuhdiyya fi al-Ahkam al-Diniyya, Seyyid Ahmed Zuhdu Pasha, Istanbul : Matba’a-i Osmaniyya, 318+4 pages.
    • Nimet-i Islam, Mehmed Zihni Efendi. ebook
    • Islam Yolu, Iskilipli Mehmed Âtif Efendi, Istanbul : Awkâf-i Islâmiya Matbaasi, 1338
    • Anwar al-Hamid fi Fiqh Ehl al-Tawhid, Sabrizâde Ali Nureddin Abdullah, Dersaadet: 1317, 3 vols, 159+134+150 pages.
  12. Din-i Islamda Men-i Muskirat, Iskilipli Mehmed Âtıf Efendi, 1345, 32 pages.
  13. Tashil al-Faraiz, Hoca Emin Efendizâde Ali Haydar, Istanbul, 1322, 234 pages.
  14. Madhal-i Fiqh, Abdussattar Kirimî, Istanbul : Mahmud Bey Matbaası, 1299, 31 pages.
  15. Hamza Efendinin Bey’ ve Shira Risalasinin Sharhi, Ismail b. Osman b. Ebi Bekr b.Yusuf (Osmanpazari Muftusu) al-Shumnuwi, Istanbul : Matbaa-i Amire, 1260, 2+91 pages.
  16. Alğâz-i Fiqhiyya, Mehmed Zihni Efendi, Istanbul : Kasabar Matbaasi, 1309, 232 pages. ebook
  17. Vazaif al-Qudat Tarjamasi, Hasan Sıdkı Efendi, Dersaadet, 1307.

Usûl al-Fiqh
  1. Tashil-i Mirqat al-Vusul ilâ Ilm al-Usûl, Mehmed b. Feramuz Molla Hüsrev,  Translator: Gelibolulu Osman b. Mustafa Efendi ebook
  2. Lawâmiu al-Daqâik fi Tarjamati Majami al-Haqâiq, Abu Said Hadimi, Translator: (Meclis-i Mearif azası) Ahmed Hamdi Shirvani, 1293, 312+24+18+42+8 pages.
  3. Usûl-i Fiqh Dersleri, Büyük Haydar Efendi,  Note taking: Hacı Adil Arda, Istanbul : Matbaa-i Amire, 1326, 558 pages.
  4. Usûl-i Fiqh, Mehmed Zihni Efendi
  5. Usûl-i Fiqh, Mahmud Esad b. Emin Saydishahrî, Istanbul: Maktab-i Sanayi Matbaasi, 1302, 384 pages (first vol.)
  6. Talhis-i Usûl-i Fiqh, Mahmud Esad b. Emin Seydishahrî
  7. Turkcha Mukhtasar Usûl-i Fiqh, Ahmed Hamdi Shirrwanî, Istanbul : Mihran Matbaasi, 1301, 133+3 pages. ebook
  8. Usûl-i Fiqh Sualleri, Dersaadet : Matbaa-i Huquqiyye, 1330, 8 pages.
  9. al-Zaria ilâ Ilm al-Sharia, Abdulkadir Saduddin, Dersaadet : Mahmud Bey Matbaasi, 1311, 146 pages.

History of Fiqh
  1. Tarih-i Ilm-i Fiqh (Darulfunun Ulum-i Shariya Shubasi Ders Takriri), Kamil Miras, Istanbul,1331, 112 pages
  2. Mawâhib al-Rahman fi Manâqib al-Imam Abu Hanifa al-Numân, Ibn Hacer Haytemi, Translation and commentary: Manastirli Ismail Hakkı, Derseadet: Mahmud Bey Matbaasi, 1310, 214 pages.
  3. Tabaqât-i Fuqaha, Mahmud Tevfik, Istanbul: Ikbal Millet Matbaasi, 1325, 20 pages.
  4. Tarjama-i  Wasiyatnâma-i Imam Azam, Translation: Shayh Ibrahim Nureddin, Istanbul : Dar al-Tıbaa al-Âmira, 1264, 19 pages.
  5. Mashâhir-i Ashâb-i Guzin ve Tarâjim-i Ahval-i Fuqâha, Hilmizâde İbrahim Rifat, Dar al-Hilafe al-Aliyye: Kutubhane-i Jihan, 1319, 176 pages.